Well. It’s time to start.
It’s been an interesting year. I’ve had some down time for the first time in seven and a half years. I wrote over 9,000 articles in that time, and edited a huge amount as well.
After that long, it’s been good to just relax. I’ve spent a bunch of time with the family. I’ve played some Playstation for the first time in years, and loved a few games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Spiderman, Far Cry and now Batman: Arkham Asylum (I know, I’m a bit slow on this one). But above all I’ve taken time to relax.
Of course I’ve been reading a lot, I still love to keep track of what’s happening in the tech industry. I’ve been writing a bit as well which you can check out over at EFTM, with a big thanks to Trevor Long for having me. I’ve also done some work over on TechGuide for Stephen Fenech – and a big thanks to him for having me as well.
I thought I’d set this up to write a few thoughts on what I find interesting – and of course anything new I find which you may too.
I thought I’d experiment with a few tech videos as well which you’ll be able to see on a new YouTube channel – of course if you want to see me guts out on eating challenges I have a channel for that too ;).
For now I have a lot of work to do around here. This thing is bare bones, I need to work out how to manage this theme, WordPress! Time to head over to Fiver to get some graphics done too.